Studio Saturday - A Short Wishlist for the Shopify Santa

  • Set default blog author so you don't have to set it every. time.

I would love to be able to set default blog author, however, at least with the theme I'm using, you can't. So, I might miss changing it (especially after they changed the blog layout yet again) and then hubby might be like um. I didn't post that. Ooops!

  • Show dates for scheduled posts.

Another thing that would be great to have would be to actually have dates showing for posts that are scheduled. The way it is now, it just says Monday, or Tuesday or whatever day of the week that post is scheduled for. It doesn't matter if it's a day from then or a year from then.

 Some More Thoughts

While I'm not really expecting these wishes to be fulfilled, it would be nice (and hopefully they wouldn't introduce bugs with those changes, that DOES seem to happen pretty often with any changes they do to the blog).

In the meantime, I'll be working some more in my sketchbook. Here is a picture of one of my horse sketches.

horse art sketch Gunilla Wachtel

Enjoy your day!

Gunilla Wachtel
Dynamic animal drawings that deepen and strengthen your connection to animals.
Artist. Animal lover. Swedish-American.
Kanweienea Kreations

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