What Do You Think About This?

When it's hot and humid and the air-conditioning still isn't working, my studio schedule has to be very flexible. Just the other day here I had to tackle our backyard using a regular push-mower (yeah the old kind). What a workout! Totally exhausted...

Anyways, so lately I've been considering returning to eBay auctions but it so hard for my stuff to be found. I share my listings and then... views but no one buying. Plus if I read it right, it seems like the eBay search now also takes into account how many views/clicks you get without purchases. So... wait a minute. I need to share my stuff so it gets seen but then, um, the search algorithm dings me for getting traffic? /Shrug.

Newfoundland dog painting 8x10 acrylic painting Gunilla Wachtel

Tranquil Ocean View. 8x10 acrylic painting on canvas panel.

Ok, so back to another strategy I tried some other time but didn't get much traction with. But at least it doesn't cost me any additional fees on top of business fees I already have. Something to consider.

Pacific Orca 8x10 acrylic painting on canvas panel. Gunilla Wachtel.

Pacific Orca 8x10 acrylic painting on canvas panel. Gunilla Wachtel.

Well everyone, Blazey is telling me to get out of the warm studio and go take it easy for a while. She can be a very persistent little kitty. I told her, let me write this one blog post at least. Believe it or not, she will know when I'm done and be back... She might be little but she is fierce. She will pounce on the drafting table, bump the drafting table, do anything she can to get my attention, until I listen.... :).

Blazey the Studio Kitty

Blazey the Studio Kitty

Some of the pictures in this blog post as well as some of the writing, was first presented to newsletter subscribers. If you would like to be in the know, make sure to sign up for our newsletter. Thanks!

Gunilla Wachtel
Dynamic animal drawings that deepen and strengthen your connection to animals.
Artist. Animal lover. Swedish-American.
Kanweienea Kreations

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